Ms. Maddie's 7-2 Latin Assignments

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This is the list of Unit 1's vocabulary list. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Thursday, October 3 5:00 PM



This packet is a review of English grammar. Students should review carefully. This is not an assignment, but students will be expected to understand these grammatical concepts as they will prove to be necessary in succeeding in Latin! This document will be added to throughout the year with concepts we will encounter in our acquisition of Latin. Also, there is an extra credit opportunity embedded within this packet. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Saturday, September 21 11:47 AM



Google Classroom Code: ujnvs6k
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Tuesday, March 17 9:53 AM



Lingua Latina Per Illustrata Textbook: ALL Readings 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Sunday, March 15 12:10 PM



Just as a reminder: Do not use google translate for when you write you summaries. All the vocabulary you need is in the reading. You may search what a Latin word in the reading means, but you are not to type sentences into google translate to know what they are in English or Latin. You will not get credit for your assignment if I see that you used google translate in your sentences. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Monday, March 16 11:37 AM



Test date Changed from Wednesday March 11th to Wednesday March 18th because of Mass on the 11th. Broadly speaking, the test will ask you to translate a passage (approx. 30 lines) from the second crater of Linga Latina (packets have been handed out) and ask you to decline and identify 2nd declension neuter nouns, as well as differentiate between the first declension masculine and feminine nouns and the second declension masculine nouns. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Friday, March 6 11:36 AM



Reminder: There will be a brief translation quiz on Monday on the readings we have been working on in class and for your homework. This quiz is more to show that you have been keeping up with the work more than anything. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Saturday, February 8 8:38 AM



Midterm date changed: Tuesday, January 28th. 
Attached is the Review packet for the Latin Midterm. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Monday, January 13 2:35 PM



Answers for study Guide: 

Section I: Vocabulary

First Declension: 

agricola, agricolae, m.: farmer 

aqua, aquae, f.: water

āthlēta, āthlētae, m.: athlete 

filia, filiae, f.: daughter 

lupa, lupae, f.: she-wolf

nauta, nautae. m: sailor 

poēta, poētae, m.:  poet 

puella, puellae, f.: girl 

Rōma, Rōmae, f.: Rome

terra, terrae, f.: land

vita, vitae, f. life

Second Declension: 

ager, agrī, m.: plowable/farming land 

amīcus, amīcī, m.: friend

animus, animī, m.: soul, spirit, mind 

campus, campī, m. Chariot racing field 

fīlius, fīliī, m: son

gladius, gladiī, m.: sword

nātus, nātī, m.: son, child 

oculus, oculī, m.: eye

puer, puerī, m.: boy

rivus, rivī, m.: stream, brook, river

servus, servī, m.: slave 

ventus, ventī, m.: wind

vir, virī, m.: man 

deus, deī, m..: god

equus, equī, m. or f.: horse

domus, domī, m.: house, home




First Conjugation: 

amō, amāre, amāvi, amātum: to love

ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvi, ambulātum: to walk

cūrō, cūrāre, cūrāvi, cūrātum: to care for

exspectō, exspectāre, exspectāvi, ēxspectātum: to wait; to await

habitō, habitāre, habitāvi, habitātum: to live

nārro, nārrāre, nārrāvi, nārrātum: to tell; to narrate 

parō, parāre, parāvi, parātum: to prepare

vocō, vocāre, vocāvi, vocātum: to call 


Second Conjugation: 

dēbeo, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitum: to ought 

habeō, habēre, habuī, habitum: to have

teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum: to hold

videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsum: to see

timeō, timēre, timuī, —-: to fear


Other declensions  + Conjugations (You do not need to know how to decline or conjugate these words, just know this form only!): 

custodit: he/she/it protects

Rōmanus, Rōmana, Rōmanum: Roman

homines: people

mortuōs: dead


English to Latin: 

Nouns: Must give the nominative singular, genitive singular, and gender (e.g.: agricola, agricolae, m.) 


Plowable/farming field: ager, agrī, m. 

Field for chariot racing: campus, campī, m. 

Soul: animus, amimī, m. 

man: vir, virī, m. 

girl: puella, puellae, f. 

horse: equus, equī, m. or f. 

people: homines

sailor: nauta, nautae, m. 

poet: poēta, poētae, m. 

god: deus, deī, m. 

goddess: dea, deae, m. 

She-wolf: lupa, lupae, f. 

Water: aqua, aquae, f. 

Land: terra, terrae, f. 

Son: fīlius, fīliī, m. 

Friend: amīcus, amīcī, m. 

Sword: gladius, gladiī, m. 

Son: natus, natī, m. 

Brook: rivus, rivī, m. 

eye: oculus, oculī, m. 

wind: ventus, ventī, m. 

daughter: filia, filiae, f. 

Rome: Rōma, Rōmae, f. 

slave: servus, servī, m. 

farmer: agricola, agricolā, f. 

life: vita, vitae, f. 



Verbs: Must give all four principal parts (e.g. amō, amāre, amāvī, amātum) 


To love: amō, amāre, amāvi, amātum

To have: habeō, habēre, habuī, hab

To live: habitō, habitāre, habitāvi 

To see: videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsum

To take care of: cūrō, cūrāre, cūrāvi, cūrātum

To wait for: exspectō, exspectāre, exspectāvi, ēxspectātum

To tell: nārro, nārrāre, nārrāvi, nārrātum

To prepare: parō, parāre, parāvi, parātum

To hold: teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum

To fear: timeō, timēre, timuī, —-

To ought: dēbeo, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitum

To call: vocō, vocāre, vocāvi, vocātum



Section II. Latin grammar and Morphology: (Answers were due as Homework and Gone over in class for 1-2)

  1. On separate sheets of paper decline the following nouns:
    1. agricola, agricolae, m. 
    2. poēta, poētae, m. 
    3. fīlia, fīliae, f. 
    4. vir, virī, m. 
    5. servus, servī, m. 
    6. ager, agrī, m. 
    7. terra, terrae, f. 
    8. ventus, ventī, m. 
    9. puer, puerī, m.
    10. amīcus amīcī, m.
  2. On separate sheets of paper conjugate the following verbs: 
    1. dēbeo, dēbēre, dēbuī, dēbitum
    2. habeō, habēre, habuī, habitum
    3. cūrō, cūrāre, cūrāvi, cūrātum
    4. nārro, nārrāre, nārrāvi, nārrātum
    5. videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsum
    6. timeō, timēre, timuī, —-
    7. vocō, vocāre, vocāvi, vocātum
    8. parō, parāre, parāvi, parātum
    9. amō, amāre, amāvi, amātum
    10. teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum


3. Identify the case and number of the following nouns and translate accordingly (if there is more than one option, provide all). 

puerī: gen. sg., “of the boy” and nom. pl. “the boys” 

deus: nom. sg. “the god” 

agricolā: abl. sg. “by/with the farmer”

agricola: nom. sg. “the farmer” 

oculō: dat. sg. “to/for the eye” or “abl. sg. “by/with the eye”

agrīs: dat. pl. “to/for the fields” or abl. pl. “by/with the fields” 

terrae: gen. sg. “of the land” or dat. sg. “to/for the land” or 

animōs: acc. pl. "the souls" 

nātum: acc sg. "the child" 

ventīs: dat pl. "to/for the winds" or abl. pl. "by/with the winds" 

aqua: nom. sg. "the water" 

poētārum: gen. pl. "of the poets" 

lupam: acc. sg. "the she-wolf" 

filiās: acc. pl. "the daughters" 

servō: dat. sg. "to/for the slave" or abl. sg. "by/with the slave" 

equī: gen sg. "of the horse" or nom. pl "the horses" 

ager: nom. sg. "the field" 

gladiī: gen sg. "of the sword" or nom pl. "the swords" 




4. Identify the person and number of the following verbs and translate accordingly: 

habet: 3rd. sg. he/she/it has

habitat: 3rd. sg. he/she/it lives

vidēs: 2nd. sg. You see

debeō: 1st sg. I ought

nārrāmus: 1st pl. we tell 

parātis: 2nd pl. y’all prepare

est: 3rd. sg. he/she/it is 

sum: 1st. sg. I am 

custodit: 3rd sg. he/she it is

expsectātis: 2nd pl. y’all wait for 

sumus: 1st. pl. we are

vocō: 1st sg. I call

timet: 3rd. sg. he/she/it fears

cūrant: 3rd. pl. they care for 

dēbent: 3rd. pl. they ought

vocāmus: 1st pl. we call 


5. Finite and infinitive verbs: In the following groups of Latin verbs, underline the finite verbs and circle the infinitive verbs. 


ambulat timēre parat vocāmus

curāre parāre expsectant amō 

nārrō vidēre habētis debēre 

custodit habitās habēre exspectāre 


6. How do we translate infinitives? (Nota bene, they are NEVER the main verb of a sentence!)


amāre = “to love” 

Cūrāre = “to care for” 

Dēbēre = “to ought”


Section III. Translation sentences: 


Translate from Latin into English: 

  1. Fīlium nautae Romanī in agrīs vidēmus. We see the son of the Roman sailor in the fields. 
  2. Puerī puellās hodie (today) vocant. The boys call the girls today. 
  3. Dea virōs Rōmanōs amat. The godess loves Roman men. 
  4. Agricolae agrōs magnōs (big) amant et cūrant. The farmers love and care for the big fields. 
  5. Habitātisne non in campīs sed (but) in domīs? Do y’all not live in fields but in houses? 
  6. Es in campō Romanō, non es in domō. You are in the Roman field, you are not in the home. 
  7. Āthlēta et puerum et puellam poētae timet. The athlete fears both the poet’s boy and girl. 
  8. Iuppiter multās feminās (many women) amat, sed dēbet amāre non multās feminās sed uxorem, Junonem (Juno). Jupiter loves man women, but he ought to love not many women but the wife, Juno. 
  9. Tū (you) parās virōs non timēre. You prepare not to fear the men. 
  10. Amō Linguam Latiniam. I love the Latin language. 


Translate from English into Latin: 

  1. The daughters of the Roman men do not live in Roman houses. Filiae virōrum Rōmanōrum non in Domīs Romanīs habitant. 
  2. You see the Great (Magnum) Roman River, the Tiber (Tiberem). Magnum, Romanum, Rivum, Tiberem, vidēs. 
  3. The goddess loves few (paucōs) men. Dea paucōs virōs amat. 
  4. The son of the poet does not tell the story (fabulam) of the great (magnōrum) Roman men. Filius poētae fabulam magnōrum virōrum non nārrat.
  5. I am a poet. Sum poēta.
  6. Y’all do not prepare the way (viam) for the goddesses and gods. Non parātis viam deīs. 
  7. Who (Quis = singular OR Qui = plural) loves Rome? Quis Rōmam amat? OR Qui Rōmam amant? 
  8. The father (Pater) and Mother (Mater) call for the boys to come (venīre) home. Pater et Mater puerōs venīre ad domom. 
  9. I await the boys and girls to listen (audīre). Expsectō puerōs et puellās audīre. 
  10. We love the Latin Language. Amāmus Lingaum Latinam. 


Section IV: Hymn to Demeter: 

  1. List the major themes from the first 45 lines of the poem 


Power, agency, loss, doctrine of correspondence 




  1. List the people, gods, and/or objects involved in the story 


Demeter, Hades, Persephone, nature, naiads 



  1. What are some technical terms involved in the creation of this type of poem? 



epithet, epic poetry, dactylic hexameter 



  1. Who do we believe wrote these poems? Where were they performed and for whom? 


We thought it was Homer, hence the name “Homeric Hymns,” but now we think that poets in ancient Greece would recite these before longer drama or recitations of Homer’s longer, epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey. 

Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Saturday, January 18 11:41 AM



MIDTERM DATE CHANGED: Monday, January 27th. 
Due to Theater rehearsals and performances and Catholic Schools Week Activities, the Latin Midterm has been moved up a day. The Midterm will now be on January 27th for ALL 7th and 8th Graders. Sorry in advance for any inconvenience. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Saturday, January 25 10:13 AM



The Midterm for Latin will be on Thursday, January 23rd. Study guides will be handed out on Monday, January 13th.
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Thursday, January 9 7:51 AM



Compare and Contrast Essay: 3 paragraphs, typed and printed or emailed ([email protected]) by Wednesday, January 25th. Topics are to be completed on the groups we had at the MET. You can go to the MET's website to look at their collections for my information about the artifacts you are writing about. 


(In Museum: 1) find two different Greek/Roman gods; (2) draw both images/statues next to each other; (3) Write a Compare and Contrast essay of 3 paragraphs regarding the two statues you choose (Due Wednesday, January 15th) (Nota Bene, make sure you take down the name and date of this work so I can identify it later!) 


In Mueseum: (1) Find a Roman coin that interests you; (2) sketch that Roman coin and describe important things about that coin; (3) Find a Greek coin; (4) Sketch that Greek coin and describe important things about that coin; (5) Write a Compare and Contrast essay of 3 paragraphs regarding the two coins you choose (Due Wednesday, January 15th) (Nota Bene, make sure you take down the name and date of this work so I can identify it later!)



In Museum: (1) Find a portrait of someone from the First century BC; (2) sketch that portrait and give it a written description on things you think might be important to note; (3) find a portrait of someone from after the 2nd century AD; (4) sketch that portrait and give it a written description on things you find important; (5) ) Write a Compare and Contrast essay of 3 paragraphs regarding the two portraits you choose (Due Wednesday, January 15th) (Nota Bene, make sure you take down the name and date of this work so I can identify it later!)

Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Thursday, January 9 11:04 AM



Attached are the Homework Instructions for the MET Groups. There were 3 different groups at the Met: Coins, Political Portraiture, Roman Mythology/Religion. Complete the instructions that you were in. 
Nota bene, The Compare and Contrast essay that will be due on Wednesday is also in these instructions. I will also post this in a separate announcement. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Thursday, January 9 9:51 AM



Attached are the MET Packets. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Thursday, January 9 9:59 AM



Reminder: 7th Grade is going on a field trip to the MET on Tuesday, January 7th to see the Met's Greek and Roman collections. Return Permission Slips (sent home yesterday and today). 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Friday, January 3 12:20 PM



Attached are two documents: the first is the Roman Political History overview reading and the second is the discussion question sheet that goes with the reading. For 7th and 8th Grade, complete both packets. For 6th Grade, complete until Question 12. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Friday, January 3 12:19 PM



This announcement is just to flag that there will be a Latin Midterm on Wednesday December 18th. More information to follow. Although, you can expect that having all of the vocabulary memorized (list to come soon) should be memorized as well as the rules of verbs and nouns so that you can translate a passage of Latin correctly. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Sunday, December 8 2:49 PM



Latin Vocabulary Quiz on Monday 25th. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Thursday, November 21 8:44 PM



2nd Declension Nouns 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Thursday, November 21 8:46 PM



EXTRA CREDIT! Attached you will find the extra-credit assignment for the 2nd quarter. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Wednesday, November 6 4:28 PM



Attached is the homework due on Monday Nov.4. Students received this packet on Thursday, along with a make-up quiz if they so chose to retake the quiz that was given on Wednesday (October 30th). The retake is required for anyone who scored below a 75%. The vocabulary list was also sent home with them, although the Latin vocabulary is also found in the unit 2 packet and in the review packet for unit 1. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Saturday, November 2 10:00 AM



Unit 2 verb Quiz: Wednesday October 30th. 
This brief quiz will ask students to complete 2 parts: first, to conjugate either 1st conjugation or 2nd conjugation verbs; second, to translate 3 Latin sentences into correct English (using the nouns they were responsible for in Unit 1, and the verbs they have been responsible for in Unit 2, found in the packet). 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Sunday, October 27 1:37 PM



Homework due tomorrow: Complete the English derivative exercises on page 14 of the packet. Problems 1-5. Make flashcards for the 2nd conjugation verbs, if flashcards are available. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Wednesday, October 16 5:05 PM



HOMEWORK: Complete pages 4-11 of the packet. For the verb conjugation charts conjugate the verbs: 
1.) cūrō, cūrāre, cūrāvi, cūrātum 
2.) narrō, narrāre, narrāvi, narrātum 
3.) habitō, habitāre, habitāvi, habitātum
4.) amō, amāre, amāvi, amātum
5.) ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvi, ambulātum
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Saturday, October 12 7:15 AM



Latin Extra Credit for Quarter 1
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Monday, October 7 4:48 PM



First Test: Our first exam will be on Monday September 30th, 2019 during the class period. Students will have the entire class period to finish. I will be posting a practice exam and a review sheet that we will be going over in class on Thursday shortly. For now, the test will have three parts: 
1.) Declension: produce all proper case (10 total) for a Latin noun in the first declension. 
2.) Translation: Translate a passage fo Latin into English (which we all will have already read and translated in class together) 
3.) Vocabulary: recognizing Latin vocabulary and giving the English word and vice versa (from the list I have already given students). 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Saturday, September 21 11:52 AM



Attached are the correct Latin sentences for the homework last week. (Nota Bene: word order does not matter!) 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Sunday, September 22 12:33 PM



Attached is the reading of Romulus and Remus, from which I will pull some sentences that students will translate on the exam. The vocabulary sheet (vocabulary for which students are not responsible) attached will also be given on the exam. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Friday, September 27 10:44 AM



These are the sentences students should translate into Latin from English. Nota bene: make sure your "cases" in Latin match the grammatical function in its sentence! Also, watch out for singulars and plurals. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Wednesday, September 18 4:33 PM



Homework Assignment: See attached. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Friday, September 13 6:38 AM



The attachment is Unit 1 of the textbook Elementa. Students will have received this in packet form, but it is also here for electronic convenience. (Nota Bene: This is not an assignment, but the reading that we will be doing in class for the next couple weeks. 
Created by Madison Forbes Ph.D.: Friday, September 13 6:43 AM